If you would like to use your insurance please check that you have coverage. Acupuncture (97810, 97811 insurance CPT codes) is often considered a specialty and you can use those codes when calling about your coverage.
Our providers are currently credentialed with BCBSVT and United as an “in -network” provider. Not all plans by these companies cover acupuncture, as well not all conditions are eligible for insurance coverage for acupuncture as treatment.
Some Medicare Advantage plans cover acupuncture for low back pain only. If you have a plan like that through one of the insurers we are in-network with, we may be able to bill your insurance. Please reach out to discuss it with us.
We can provide you with a superbill if needed for you to seek reimbursement from your insurance plan.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) are eligible for acupuncture coverage. Please request a receipt with your payment and use your spending card so you may submit this to your insurer.
Workers Compensation and Personal Injury Protection typically cover acupuncture for injuries at work or in an auto accident. Please bring all claims paperwork and insurance documents to your visit. We appreciate you reaching out beforehand to discuss.
Currently Medicare and Medicaid do not offer acupuncture coverage. We know this is confusing because Medicare says it covers acupuncture, however the law was written such that the only people authorized to perform said acupuncture are MDs!
Full payment and all co-pays are due at the time of service. Cash, check or credit card are accepted.